Taylor Swift barefoot in concert


  1. Now here is a young and sweet Grace Kelly.

    1. Lol ya right, what the hell is the matter with u? Obviously u werent much for Grace Kelly's music or u would have never said such a thing. Get real!!!

  2. Im so sick of this girls face. I'm not trying to be rude but she looks like a rat and if it wasnt for her not knowing how to have a relationship she wouldnt even have songs to write. Closet slut but tries to be so innocent, shes dated and screwed with so many its disgusting.

  3. This girl is so anmoying to look at. She has the same face problem as Renee Zellweger but at least Zellweger could act. Everytime l see this girl with her rat face l have to walk the other way or turn the channel on my t.v and if it wasnt for her jumping from little boy to little boy to little boy then acting like a innocent victim instead of the closet slut she is she wouldnt have any music to write or should l say written for her. The skanks that act like the innocent victims afterwords are the worste kind of sluts. She has alot of people fooled but not e eryone esp the person the commented befor me, ur absolutely right and its nice to know she's not fooling everybody with her fake innocent bullshit while she continues to get busted open then take off and write a song as if she wasnt in it to get ber legs bent behind her fucking head. I would never spend a penny on this piece of shit's music hopefully somethig happens to her so we dnt have to see or hear her garbage ass anymore. AND DO SOETHING ABOUT YOUR FUCKING RENEE ZELLWEGER FACE ITS GROSS AND EVEN MORE ANNOYING!!!!!!!

    1. I don't understand: what is your problem? Why are you so full of hate about her. You should try to get a psychologist who could help you.

  4. The MOST OVERRATED human on the planet! It's not about her looks. It's a culmination of everything about her. Grace Kelly????? Like Grace Kelly???? Are you KIDDING????? Holy crap!

  5. But u have to admit,the girl DOES have the pretty feet!

    1. I would have to agree with you because she has the most beautiful barefeet and each of her toes are sexy and even her toenails are beautiful and I would pamper her barefeet licking between her toes and suck on her toes and I would convince her to always be barefoot because she is beautiful and sexy barefoot and I love her beautiful toes.

  6. Taylor Swift doing her tours barefoot makes me drool and I'm in love with her for being barefoot at her concerts and she should go barefoot and she should always be barefoot and never ever wear anything on her feet and a beautiful woman like her with beautiful barefeet and sexy toes should always be barefoot and I want to meet her and convince her to stop wearing high heels and everything on her feet and convince her to embrace going barefoot everywhere and I will tell her to never ever wear anything on her feet and I would fall in love with her and ask her to marry me and even tell her to be barefoot on our wedding and when she becomes my wife I want her to always be barefoot.
