Barefoot Celebrities

Hayden Panettiere playing tennis barefoot


  1. Should you really play tennis barefoot?

  2. Ummmm, if it's the feet you notice first, maybe need eyes re-examined or check priorities. Playing tennis barefoot makes as much sense as playing tennis wearing a skimpy...AWESOME...bikini. Hayden can play any way she wants as long as we can watch. The more serve faults the better! Now, if only Maria Sharapova would follow Hayden's dress code!!!! I'd be tennis' biggest fan!

  3. I'd drill a shot of cum inside her

  4. I would lick her barefeet and suck on her toes. She is beautiful and sexy barefoot and each of her toes are beautiful and she can do anything barefoot because she is beautiful and sexy barefoot.

  5. Her rough looking barefeet and toes turn me on and make me drool. I want her sexy rough looking toes in my mouth and lick her toes and suck on her toes and I love her rough looking barefeet and toes.
